Monday, September 7, 2009

2009 - The year thus far

Once again, posting hasn't been at an all time high. Nevertheless, here goes.

After returning home from a fantastic overseas trip round the world, I began 2009 working with GHD within the Marine Structures Group. Over the course of my 12 week work experience rotation I gained an enormous amount of practical knowledge, completed a satisfying amount of work and continued to build my contact list.

GHD have encouraged me to make regular contact with them regarding my studies, graduation and life in general.

Semester 1 really flew by! Once again I elected to study 5 subjects in a bid to complete my degree 6 months early. I must say, I was so glad with my fluid mechanics grade. I really surprised myself.

Semester 2 is just beginning to heat up with plenty of assessment on the horizon.

As for my social life (what social life...?) I am having a ball with 21st's galore ( I was born in 1988...a lot of my school friends and colleagues turn 21 this year).

I plan to report back again soon on my 2009-2010 vacation work program - Cheers, Damian